Category Archives: Orleans

FIFA World Cup Games 33, 34, 35 and 36

View from 1000 SW Broadway, Portland

I somehow left my notes on today’s games at the office. Dang, because I’m sure I had some real nuggets in there. I’m loving all the soccer comment spam I’ve been getting. Like I really believe they find these articles interesting. How about this: did you hear Messi and Tevez want to reform Oasis? Maybe I can run my fingers through their hair with a little Wonderwall playing in the background.

(Oh, and resist the urge to tell me about Turdpress’s Whosit that will deal with spam, that’s not the point here.)

I did get manage to get home with this ad I tore out of the AAA magazine for “quality tools at ridiculously low prices.” Even if there were tools I needed I would never get around to figuring out how to use them but these coupons are so awesome — a reciprocating saw with rotating handle for $19.99 — I don’t even know what that is but how can I pass that up? I don’t think that’s proper sentence but I’d really like to watch the highlights show before I go to bed so we’re going to let it stand.

Plus I still need to do my words for the beg-a-thon and take care of some other household stuff.

Here’s another thighlights gallery this time featuring Portugal.

Non-Soccer Item

Also here’s an NPR story about Orleans and the Karuk Tribe: FCC Eyes Broadband For Indian Reservations

Many tribal communities around the United States are in remote, rural areas. Humboldt County, Calif., is home to several tribes — among them the Karuk.

In the small community of Orleans, Calif., the Karuk make up a quarter of the population of just under 1,000 people.

The tribe’s IT officer, Chris Kleeman, says they even have a hard time getting phone service. “We lose our regular telephones, including 911, hundreds of times each year,” Kleeman says. Last July alone, they lost phone service about 250 times, he says.

Bari Talley in the story is my cousin. <3

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Best Christmas Ever!

Back from holiday. It was fantastic.

First, check out this photo of Bob with the Grinch. That was from Idaho.

If you don’t remember, last Christmas was ruined. We had such bad weather we didn’t get to see family. We had no tree and barely any presents. We did have a nice dinner, just the two of us.

This year totally made up for it.

We had an uneventful drive down. We ran into a tiny bit of snow on one of the mountains but otherwise, clear sailing.

My Dad made this for my Mom. I said it should be in a museum.

We went mushrooming with Mom and Auntie.

I’ve never been before. We tumbled out of the car and in about three seconds Mom took off up the steep, heavily brushed and leaf-slick mountain in one direction and Auntie took off in the other. I tried to scramble along stupidly wearing my giant coat, carrying my camera in one hand and my pen and notebook in the other.

When we went to the next stop, I didn’t make that mistake. And I found my first mushroom. A Tan Oak. The photo is on Bob’s camera. I show it later.

Later Erin showed up with the world’s biggest lap dog.

This is a sign at Somes Bar at Hwy 96 and Ishi Pishi Road.

Every day we went on long walks with hills so we could keep eating and still fit into our pants.

Klamath River

The river was running fast and pretty.

For Christmas we all got big piles of books.

My Mom said, “Let’s cancel dinner and sit around and read.”

But we didn’t.

Here’s the Pamily at dinner. People love it when you take photos of them while they’re eating.

Great time. Glad to be home. I’m going to the office tomorrow and then taking off until Jan 4. Yay.

Posted in doing it wrong, Orleans, pamily | 3 Comments

End of Summer

Sign on Red Cap Road, Orleans CA

This has been a weird month. The vacation part was fantastic but most of the rest of it I’ve been at loose ends mostly for reasons I can’t explain. Some of my woes I’ve brought on myself but we’re not going to get into it here.

I have tiny post-it notes everywhere with things I wanted to post about but I kept thinking I’d wait on those things until after I did my vacation post. Now I’m sitting here ready to do the vacation post and I don’t really have much to tell.

We did the usual stuff which involves sleeping in (and I’m sure Kira will shudder to learn that sleeping in on vacation in our family is like, 7:30a.) We went for walks. We ate breakfast outside. We read books. We went swimming and we visited with lots of fantastic family members that we don’t get to see that often.

I didn’t get sunburned. I didn’t get poison oak. I did get mosquito bit but not terribly. They always get me on my feet and knuckles. I sprayed bug juice all over my feet and wore shoes and socks at dinner and they still got me.

It was still really good and I wish I could have had a teeny bit more time. I feel like I barely got started and it was already time to go.

Grubstake swimming hole on the Salmon River

It might be seasonal or it might be connected to that “loose ends” thing but I keep feeling like I have to get everything organized. I don’t know what I have or where everything is and I suspect there are lots of thing we don’t need that would be fun to get rid of.

This feeling applies mostly to my closet, the kitchen, the garage and my bookshelves. Oh, and my bathroom cupboards. At the same time, when I had time to tackle a portion of one of these projects, I squandered it on unproductive sitting around. I guess that’s what’s called being lazy.

One thing that happens with the kitchen is that I accumulate weird ingredients. The kind of things that you have to buy a whole jar of to use one tablespoon for some crazy recipe that you only make one time.

Like roasted peppers. I had a jar of roasted peppers around forever and I finally used it up in salads and on pizza. Then I decided they were so good we’d start using them all the time and I bought another jar and they’re just sitting there. This isn’t really a problem to be solved, just telling how it is.

Klamath River, upriver from Orleans

I think one of the best naps I’ve ever taken was on vacation and it was before noon. There is something really decadent about taking a nap a few hours after you’ve gotten up. That’s a Bob specialty. Get up early. Go for a long walk. Eat a big breakfast. And then take a nap. I don’t usually do that.

I used to never get under the covers when I took a nap. I thought a nap should be distinguished from regular going to bed. But lately I’ve found that taking off my pants and crawling into bed really enhances the experience. Which reminds me of a Simpsons where Homer took a nap in his car and took off his pants first. I don’t nap in the car. I also don’t nap after 5pm unless I’m going to be out late and I try to never let that happen.

I injured myself holding the pistol the wrong way. Don’t try to do it like you see on TV. Then I shot this giant bullet or shell or whatever out of something. I was so excited about shooting guns I took terrible notes.

One time our next door neighbor asked us whether something would bother us. I can’t remember what he was up to — re-roofing his garage or something. I told him that unless he started a rock band or rendered fat in the backyard, it was unlikely he would bother us.

Earlier this weekend I heard a rock band rehearsing somewhere close by. I hope this isn’t a regular thing.

Our previous next door neighbor (on the other side) had a snarly awful dog. It would get into our backyard and bark at me which I thought was rude. Our new next door neighbors seemed to have recently acquired a snarling dog. I’ll be out in my PJs in the morning, holding my tea and wandering around enjoying my flowers, pumpkins and tomatoes and the dog will hear me and then barrel up to the fence and growl and snap like a loud scary Godzilla. It also howls at sirens. I kinda want to throw rocks at it.

I love the bulletin board in town next to the post office. It always has political stuff, lost pets, free pets and odd stuff for sale or trade.

Most of this weekend was catastrophically unproductive. Today I pulled myself together and got some writing done. And a few administrative type things.

I also have a long list of chores that are maintenance or repair oriented. I’m a C student in repair skills. I can usually do just enough to fix something or patch it together to limp along a bit longer but I rarely know what I’m doing. Those chores tend to stay on the list forever because I don’t want to take the time to gather information, figure out what tools or parts I need and then figure out the damn problem.

Today I descaled my showerhead and cleared my bathtub drain. The scaly showerhead did not deliver water in a focused spray and the slow drain forced me to stand in ankle deep water during my shower which completely wrecked what should have been the best part of my day. The showerhead was easy once I figured out how to get it off the pipe that comes out of the wall. Dropped it in a bowl of white vinegar and tried to figure out what to do with the drain.

While I was hoping to find a YouTube tutorial that would show me how to take my drain apart instead I found this how to make a simple tool to clean your drain instructions. I couldn’t even find a proper piece of plastic and used this tiny thing about as long as a pencil that attached my new designer dish scrubbing brush to the paper display thingy. And it still worked like a dream. I’d give you the gory details but I don’t know if you’ve just eaten and it was pretty gross.

Later I rinsed off the showerhead and re-installed it and I had a fabulous shower before dinner.

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Father’s Day Weekend Wrap Up

Klamath River looking downriver from Ishi Pishi Road.

I had this thing open on the desktop all day yesterday and couldn’t get it together to finish and post. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything yesterday. Even watch TV.

I woke up at 6am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Why do I always wake up at 6 on my day off? I got up and made a cup of tea and started to read and then my eyes felt a bit droopy. I woke up at 9am. Among the most brilliant naps of all time.

I finally dragged my butt out of bed and took care of a few errands. I made granola and watered the yard. I have a tomato bigger than a golf ball out there. Photo and endless nattering about it to follow.

Me and the fraidy cat reading Asimov’s. Shy Boy was a feral cat who is partly domesticated. Whenever I arrive he hides and runs away if he sees me. Until he randomly decides it’s safe to crawl in my lap and bug me.

My inbox is completely out of control. Everything in there is something I need to do and for every 5 I clear out, 5 new ones arrive. Actually the whole house seems like a bunch of things I need to do or problem solving activities.

Vandals hit the Panamnik Building. They broke a window in the post office and then tore this sign all apart. Dad thought he could fix it but they did a good job of destroying it. It was an exciting weekend. Someone got shot four times in the leg. “Oh, so it wasn’t an accident?” I said. Someone else drove off the road.

The trip to California was a big hit. We managed to do a little bit of everything. Thursday night falafel feed. Meredith and Aunt Janet made about 3000 falafels and there were plenty of leftovers. When the crew gets there in August there will be falafel for everyone.

Giant chestnut tree at Grandma’s place falls apart during a wind storm. Apparently it made a lot of noise when the limb, which is bigger than a lot of trees, came down.

Erin and I went down to Grandma’s place and took a long walk that included picking cherries. We filled our pockets.

Brush Dance

The brush dance starts at sundown and goes all night and the last dance is early in the morning. I went for a couple of hours when it started and then went back with Mom and Erin in the morning.

Old Timer’s Parade

After the dance we went back home to make Dad a father’s day breakfast and then we went to the Old Timer’s parade. I hate parades except for this one. And the Bigfoot parade in Willow Creek.

Bigfoot Parade from 2005

After the parade was the Old Timer’s picnic. All the fried chicken, deviled eggs and potato salad you can eat. Then there was a softball game.

Excellent trip.

The beautiful Sinead in her dance dress. Those girls dance all night in that heavy dress.

We’ve just returned from the farmer’s market. The weather is perfect plus there’s some sort of festival going on at the park so there were millions of people, strollers and dogs and I had enough rather quickly.

I’m trying to get organized here. It seems like everything I try to do involves something that is broken, lost or not working right. I had two simple projects. One involved two nails and one involved two screws and those took about an hour and I made a ding in the wall. Oh well, I’m sure I have many other fine qualities.

Also today: catching up on my beg-a-thon goal. I’ll update that tomorrow.

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View downriver from the access road to Dolans Bar, Klamath River, Orleans, California

I’m on my way out town (as soon as I bathe, pack, make lunch, put away laundry, burn some CDs for the car, go to Trader Joes, the bank, Toyota, and Edelweiss German Deli) for a long weekend and I almost completely forgot to post about the Clarion West Writeathon that starts on Sunday.

I sent out a notice but if you didn’t get one and feel bad that no one asked you for money, here’s your big chance to sponsor me for a very good cause. And if you already donated: super huge thank you!

Last summer I attended the workshop. You can read all my adventures here.

The organization that puts on the workshop is Clarion West (non-profit – tons of people donate all kinds of time and energy to make this happen).

My goals for the 6 weeks are to write 3000 words a week and to submit two stories for publication. I’ve been a big fat chicken about submitting so two stories in six weeks might not sound like much but it’s a lot for me. Charlene challenged me to double the words but it’s summer dang it. I already work hard, I don’t want to spend all my spare summer moments hunched over the keyboard.

I’m asking for sponsorship during the event. I’m going to match donations for the first $200 so if I can get 20 people to sponsor me for $10 (only $10!) I will make my goal of donating $400. And I think I’m close.

If you’ve ever had a dream of donating money to nerds, this is your big chance. Here’s my donation page. If you want to avoid Paypal there are alternate instructions here and if you don’t like me there’s a huge long list of other writers you can sponsor. Any and all donations are welcome. Even $1. Seriously. This organization thrives on micro-donations. And if you have no money, then nice thoughts are perfectly acceptable.

I’ll post weekly reports on what I’ve been doing.

Huge thanks to everybody everywhere for everything. Have a good weekend.

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What I’m Talking About When I Say River Bar

River Bar

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“Culture Is A Fancy Word For What Your Mom Does”

Wood Working Shop

Last night was lecture night and we got to see Michael Pollan.

We didn’t get home until after 10pm and then I was all wound up and couldn’t sleep and I’m still having trouble forming a few complete sentences to sum up the lecture.

He talked about food, of course. Sold out the house. He’s an entertaining speaker and he backs up his statements with research and facts. I know, what a world where we give people points for using research and facts.

One stat: Americans eat 20% of their meals in the car. How awful. The only time I eat in the car is when I’m driving to Orleans and I don’t want to stop. This is when I drive by myself. I fill the passenger seat with fruit, carrot sticks, trail mix and sometimes a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich. Bottle of water. You can do the drive in 6.5 hours.

I think the worst processed food I eat is Wheat Thins (Big). I don’t know: is See’s Candy a processed food? Let’s just agree, no.

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Klamath River

Klamath River

Long week in terms of sitting at the computer and getting stuff done. Completely beat.

Out of town on business until late Friday night. Two social events Saturday.

Perhaps decent update on Sunday.

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What’s Wrong With Me Now?

This is going to be a rambling post from many topics scribbled on this tiny piece of paper next to the keyboard.

Pihnêefich has taken up residence in the house. My computer died. The laptop won’t connect to the wireless. The DVR didn’t work last night and every time I tried to pick a show it told me to try again later.

bwah! How do we appease you Mr. Trickster?

* * *

For the first time in history I’ve been skipping yoga class due to an injury type situation with my back. I hate calling it an injury because (a) I don’t remember a moment that I injured it and (b) people who talk about their injuries are tiresome.

I’ve had this situation before (last year and 2005.) The discomfort lasts for several months but usually only bothers me when I first get up in the morning or if I sit in certain positions. This year it hurts during practice so I’m laying off class. I still practice at home and work around it.

* * *

Yesterday I did something I haven’t done in at least 5-6 years. I took a bath. Our bathtub coating or whatever it’s called disintegrated and we didn’t do anything about it until this summer when I got a pretty new bathroom.. This is the first chance I’ve had to use it and it was more wonderful than I imagined.

* * *

Bob and I watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall last night and thought it was totally stupid. Yes, we laughed. That rock star guy was hilarious and Paul Rudd also funny but that movie was about 20 minutes too long and really, really dumb.

Here’s one of Bob’s photos of the fog on the way down from Greyback.

I was going to do my NaNoWritMo Wrap-up today but this is already taking too long so I’ll do it tomorrow or later this week.

I did make the 50,000+ word goal.

Oh, also I have a weird rash on my scalp/face. It’s an inner rash. You can’t see it but I can feel it.

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A River Runs Through It

Klamath River, December 07

I’ve been cranking on my writing project for two full days now and I would like to weep. My neck is ruined, my mouse-arm feels like someone sat on it and my eyeballs are dried and shriveled and rolled back in my head. I’m not done but for health and safety sake I am going to have a no computer day tomorrow.

Beside, tomorrow is bluegrass day.

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