Uh Oh

There was no post for the 27th.

I thought I must have left it in drafts but nope. I guess I didn’t even save it. I remember writing it and for sure remember doing that photo because I was so proud of myself that I could paste the two photos side-by-side in less than half of an hour.

It’s a mystery.

Here is the early failure of my great fixing project. The phone and strap worked great at the match. It felt very secure.

Later I threw the whole thing in my backpack and I didn’t even notice the strap had fallen off. I took the strap out of the bag to put it in a safe place and realized that the Sugru and grommet (fastener? ringlet?) were floating right along with it.

I haven’t given up. Next fixing things day I’m going to try again.

There’s your 30 posts!

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