First Annual Christmas Berets Photo

Here we are with our Christmas berets on the Orleans bridge. You are looking downriver at the Klamath in the background. From left to right the back row is: Aunt Janet, Sinead, BG, Meredith holding Samwise, Me, Mom and Erin with the raspberry beret. In the front is Fernando, Josa, Geena and Noah. There were three photographers. That’s why we’re all looking in different directions.

Good trip. We were monitoring the weather and yesterday after breakfast noticed that things were going to go from bad to worse in the next 24 hours so we threw all our stuff in the car, kissed everyone goodbye and high-tailed out of there a day early. There were several dicey stretches, a bit slick on the pass and several bouts of heavy rain and/or very wet snow so it was a long drive. But the drive along 96 was gorgeous. The sun shone most of the way and the trees were dusted with snow and the river was fast and frothy.

We’re glad to be home. We were enjoying puttering this morning. I went to refill my tea and noticed that it was snowing and I checked the forecast and they were predicted a bit of snow in the morning growing heavier all day. It looks like it’s going to stay pretty wet but we both ran for the clothes we threw on the floor last night and dressed and zipped out to the grocery store so we wouldn’t have to venture out in it later.

Now we’ve got a firelog going and hot drinks and plenty to eat. We can enjoy the day.

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