Yesterday I got some good news and some bad news in the same five minute period. The bad news was when I pulled my jeans on and had to coax the zipper up. Someone needs to cut back on dessert. The good news was when I sat down at my computer and found out I’m the NaBloPoMo Grand Prize Winner.
I think this is the part where I say, I’ve never won anything, except when I was in high school I won a KFI beach bag on the radio. It was a canvas bag with a towel that said “67.1 KFI” in orange letters (I can’t remember if those are the exact call letters and number because this was the early 80’s and I’ve lost a lot of brain cells since then and the only details I remember about those days involve wildly humiliating events) and an orange AM transistor radio that played 67.1 KFI. So I win things about every 25 years. I need to mark the calendar for 2030 to keep my eyes open.
For everyone who’s here for the first time I’ll give you the 15 second intro.
I’m 42, have a fantastic husband and live in Vancouver, Washington. I’m a proud member of the Karuk Tribe of California. I’m a legal assistant and have been working with Tribes in the Pacific Northwest for something like 14 years. We have no kids and no pets and enjoy movies, books, anything with melted cheese and a wide variety of delicious adult beverages.
I have had a personal website since April 1996. They wayback machine only takes you to 1999. I wish I’d been more diligent about archiving when I started but it didn’t occur to me. I was going to try to recreate the first site for my 10 year anniversary but never got around to it.
Typical posts are about cooking, gardening and how the rest of the world is doing it wrong.
A few classic posts include my emails home from a Europe Trip in 2000 (also the quaint and primitive html is good for a laugh), going to a String Cheese Incident show, the one about the barbie tampon and how amazingly little I understand about current music.
I had a great time in November reading (and bookmarking) zillions of new blogs. Lane’s randomizer is responsible for hours of lost productivity but it was a fun way to check in and see what people are doing. Ginormous thanks to everyone who participated and commented.
Finally, super huge thanks to Eden for organizing the event and to and Jessica for offering up the big prize.
The rest of today will be spent studying for my class, working on two huge computer oriented holiday projects and staying away from the randomizer.