Third Pre-Written Post From March

Driving in the Dark

As I am getting older, it is harder to drive in the dark. Especially when it is dark and raining.

When Dad first went to the hospital back in December, we had a to get to the hospital late at night and then again early the next morning and both drives were in the dark and driving rain.

It was miserable. Especially when it seems like half the cars on the road are driving much faster and more aggressively than conditions would warrant.

On a different night, after a series of long days, I left the hospital after dark. I was really run down and hungry. The rain was spitting and the car windows and my glasses were all foggy, so I struggled to see.

I grabbed the mask that I’d used all day to wipe off my glasses, and this was a mistake. It was like I had wiped Vaseline on the lenses.

All I wanted was to get home and put on some fuzzy pants and eat a bowl of soup but first I had to get home squinting through the glaze.

I made it. I also put lens wipes in the car.

Here’s a good hospital story: Peacehealth plays a little harp song when a baby is born. I stopped by to hang out with Dad for a couple hours on my birthday and I heard the harp song. A birthday twin!

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