I feel like I’m more tired than I ought to be. Huge pile of work is stacked up here. After our meetings yesterday I said, “For everything we did, we have about 100 new things.” That’s not complaining. I like these clients a lot and I like the work we do, it was just funny how so many new things came up.
Last night the plane got in around 7:50pm and I took the shuttle bus out to economy parking. My car was covered in mist (or whatever you call it) and I couldn’t find my little towel I used to keep in there for just such occasions. Knowing me I probably took it out to wash it.
I sat in the car with the engine running, wondering what to do. I don’t enjoy driving when I can’t see anything. I went through a mental check list of what was in my bags that I could use and finally decided to use my pajama bottoms, which need replacing anyway, and I swabbed the windows clear and was on my way.
Last time I was in the economy lot they had just installed self-serve ticket payment that you do with your debit card. That time it was a Sunday night and it was a major clusterfork gridlock and I think it took over a half hour to get out of the lot.
When I pulled in this time I had this in mind so I was looking for a spot: near a bus shelter, near an overhead light and that would be easy to jump into the payment line. And miraculously succeeded. Of course there was no line last night and twenty minutes after I got in my car I was at home with a glass of wine and my Google Reader.
I have 88 posts left. I kept choosing items and thinking, “Hey, I can probably clear through these quickly,” and then there would be something I wanted to comment on or read more closely so plenty left for later.