Reckless Life

If you can believe it, I gave up about 99% of my wine drinking back in June. If you know me well you are probably agog right now.

I had that heartburn reflux thing going on so I did an over the counter medicine and cut back to 2 or 3 non-wine drinks a week. I generally only drink wine with company.

I feel better and my clothes fit better. WHATEVER, CLEAN LIVING.

Before that, I took this picture for my friend Raj and told him if we ever live in the same town we can do a podcast reviewing boxed wines.

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One Response to Reckless Life

  1. Darren Freire says:

    It is funny that people in the USA look down on boxed wine and see it as Cheap Swill. Well in the USA the wine in a box is pretty cheap but some work about to about $13 per bottle contained. I think in Australia boxed wine can be very fine wine and over $150 per box.

    I get on wine kicks but just get a bottle of vino that is $6 to $8.

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