This guy called. Strong accent. He had Bob’s name and tacked a Mrs. on it for me and then told me he was calling because of our Windows computer system. He sounded like he was phoning from a cafeteria in Outer Mongolia using a tin can and a long piece of string. I could barely understand him.
He said since we were authorized users and he could see that we’d being going online he knew we had a virus.
Normally I would have shut this call down before we even got this far except I was curious where he was going with this. I knew he wanted to rip me off but how was he going to do it?
But he just kept reading off his card with long pauses and this terrible connection. I finally asked him what exactly he was going to do and said he was going to walk me through a check for viruses.
I’m not filled with patience today and that was enough for me so I told him we don’t have even have a Windows machine in this house and buh-bye.
So I guess he wanted to get usernames and passwords? It’s hard to imagine this would be successful.
* * *
Last weekend I made a Sweet Potato Pie for Easter dessert. I haven’t made one in a long time and I thought I’d used this recipe before but maybe not. It’s from Cook’s Illustrated. As per always I was trying to do 1000 things at once and I started my pie late and then I had to hurry so rather than mashing my potatoes by hand, I tossed it all in the food processor so that filling was smooth.
When we ate it after dinner it was still warm and it was very good. But the next day after it was completely chilled it was AMAZING.
Ten stars for this recipe.
We’re going to see Elvis Costello. The last time we saw him was in 1996 in Seattle during our honeymoon. You can find the setlist here. (The Internet is so awesome when it isn’t awful.) I remember that. 4 encores. I was like, OMG, another encore?
Sweet potato pie! OMG. I want it for breakfast.
Wow, there must be a large demographic of stupid people in your area for such a scam to have the faintest chance of working. Then there were all those morons in the Bronx who showed up to get “free” debit cards with $1000 in “stimulus funds” in exchange for turning over their social security numbers.