November is Here

View from San Diego beach house.

Today it is November first and with this post I can keep alive the idea of a blogpost every day (NaBloPoMo) which seems like a good idea since I’ve been averaging about 1-2 posts a week and could really use a kickstart.

However it’s a terrible idea because I am in the middle of a time that’s so busy I have to brush my teeth while folding laundry just to get it all done.

I did not even make my pitiful goal of 300 words per day last month and I still can’t decide whether to have a 200 words per day goal this month or to really push myself and try for 250.

Adding daily blog-posting would seem insane seeing as how once I say I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it, no matter how miserable and stressed out it makes me feel.

But then I could do phoned in posts like pick photos from my giant collection that correspond with the numeral date. e.g. Tomorrow I could post any photo I have that was taken on the second of any month.

We’ll see how ambitious and clever I am.

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One Response to November is Here

  1. Marvin says:

    Try 5 words a day. 😉

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