The Most Amazing Sandwich In The World

Today I visited the food cart pod up at PSU. Everything I know about food carts I learned at Food Carts Portland. They are my go-to for lunch planning.

I’ve only eaten two meatloaf sandwiches in my life. The first one I said should have its own national holiday.

This one was even better. This one should be President of the United Nations. Are meatloaf sandwiches an exceptional food? Or have I just been lucky?

It was from Buddha Bites. Doesn’t that sound like a place that should serve free-range soy bean pie? I know. In fact, after I ordered it I thought maybe it was going to be soy-loaf thing.

I bought a brownie, too, but I was too full so I brought it home. I also couldn’t finish my sandwich and there were only two bites left but I brought them home. I’m going to arm-wrestle Bob for them later.

To all the people who live in places that aren’t conducive to food cart culture: I am very sorry for your loss.

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