Bluegrass Day

This is a photo of my Dad’s workshop. I took a bunch of great ones over Thanksgiving but realize I neglected to post. More to come.

Bluegrass was super fun today and I will link to Bob’s review when he does it because he took photos and knows more about bluegrass than I do.

I loved all the music but my favorite band of the day was Steep Canyon Rangers. I’d love to make a joke about names of bluegrass bands but I’m tired and need to get to bed. I leave it to someone else.

But here’s a quick story. The Steep Canyon guys introduced a number like this: “We got any NASCAR fans out there?” Dead silence. Then maybe two people politely clapping. “Oh, great. Well, you’re going to love this one. I can tell.”

For the record, it was a great song and we all loved it.

Two super long days ahead.

But remember the holiday newsletter? You know, the one from Christmas 08? Yeah, it’s at about 98 percent. Don’t fret. This week. I promise.

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