Mid-Week Wrap-Up

Just in case you’ve been wondering, here’s the 08 pumpkin crop. (07 crop here). I planted them late which wasn’t a problem since it wasn’t warm enough for them. I put out two sets last night just in time for the night time temps to go back into the 40’s. The other one will go out front this weekend.


Yesterday I totally ditched a completed post because I didn’t like it. Normally once I’ve gone through the trouble of typing I go ahead and post whether I like it or not. I don’t know what my problem was. But the gist was that we went to see Was (Not Was) on Saturday night and Bob’s review is here.


Several weeks ago I spent an embarrassing amount of money on what I call shower gel but is apparently called body wash these days. It probably wasn’t an embarrassing amount to your average person who ranks smelling good as a high priority but I generally use whatever big jug of shower gel is on sale at the grocery store and wish that it smelled yummier. Then we got a coupon and I ran in on my lunch hour to look around and I tried this ginger stuff and this Jumpstart stuff that I was going to describe as citrus-y but the product description doesn’t seem to support that claim. I am very fond of the non-citrus-y stuff but I LOVED the ginger stuff. Now I’m feeling an urge to explore all sorts of wonderful smelling bath stuff which conflicts with my over-arching but sometimes easy-to-supress frugality.


I’m started watching Bones because Angel is in it but I have come to really love the show. I think the investigation aspect tends to go for the gross-out or hard-to-believe but I love the characters and their relationships. The season finale was a major, mouth hanging open disaster. I don’t mind if a show surprises me, or does terrible things to characters I love. (See e.g. Lost.) But the finale had a plot twist that felt invented at the last minute, stupid and completely untrue to the character. I stewed about it all day. And I suppose you could argue that the writer’s strike contributed to the problem but they created this ultimate bad guy and then we had this huge hiatus and then they resolved it with this plot twist and a 30 second montage of the bad guy discovered and offed — before the audience knew anything about him. Huge fumble. Boo.


Finally, I cringed when I saw this article in the Daily Telegraph (UK!):

With the discovery of gold there in 1848, the California Gold Rush brought 300,000 people into the state, transforming what was then a backwater into the embodiment of the American Dream.

Fewer in number, “new 49ers” may have swapped picks and covered wagons for suction dredges and mobile homes but many are just as confident they will strike it rich.

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