I saw lots of daffodils in my neighbors’ yards but mine aren’t quite there yet.
I can’t tell you how much more fun it is to take photos with the new camera. None of this take a picture and then go take a nap while a little red light flashes and the camera decides when its going to take another photo. I’m looking forward to playing with it this weekend when the group is in town.
My Mom is celebrating a big birthday this year and we’re having a party at the Kennedy School. We’re in the Mina Parsons room. We’ll have a big dinner on Saturday night and in the down time do some field trips possibly to: Bob’s Red Mill, Uwajimaya and/or Powell’s Books. It looks like the weather may be doo-doo but if not we might also do a nice walk on the Eastbank Esplanade or maybe at Vancouver Lake.
Meanwhile, I decided to take a half-day off tomorrow so I have extra time to do errands before everyone rolls into town. I need to go back to Toyota and have them look at the dummy light which let’s all cross our fingers takes 15 minutes or less. And I need to do a Target run and organize some food and photos and generally get my act together, which certainly couldn’t take more than a half day.