Another Productive Weekend in Paradise
Photo: Until very recently a working farm in Vancouver. No doubt soon to be 5 trillion giant houses on tiny lots and a Walmart.
After my epic day of errands on Friday morning, my weekend productivity took a dive. I’ll reprint my most recent book review here to give you an idea why.
27. Twilight (498 pp.) by Stephenie Meyer (Sep 8). I did a foolish thing. If you’re a regular reader, you know I’ve been having a problem reading anything resembling serious fiction. Maybe I should call it challenging fiction. The book I’m really reading right now is called Snow and the author won the Nobel Prize and it’s really good and I’m halfway through it but it isn’t something that I’ve wanted to curl up with for a few hours. On Friday I used a bookstore giftcard I had and grabbed this book with a couple of others and came home and set them in the immediate “to read” area which is right next to the bed. (Different from the “to read” shelves which are in my room.) I knew better but I decided to peek at this book, just read a few pages to see what I thought. I read some young adult reviewers who were swooning about it. I told Bob it was vampires in high school and it the most overwrought star-crossed lovers romantic teenage wishfulfillment story of all time and I could not put it down until it was finished. And I just ordered the next two in the series, in hardcover, so they will be here by the end of the week.
I did manage to make the risotto last night which turned out A+. Bob said it was like a $15 entree. And this morning I made a loaf of No-Knead bread for a get together and later I will make a peach pie. We also hacked back some berry vines in the backyard that live in the middle of our hedge. I wanted to cut out the big long pieces that were draped into our yard. This is a tall person’s job and I got the ladder and whatever radar people have that goes off when their children are about to hurt themselves went off for Bob because he doesn’t have any children to use his radar on. He was outside in a flash asking me what I was doing.
I was already putting the ladder away by then because any place I could get the ladder stable was too far away to reach the berry vines. He took over and shortly thereafter we had ladders and long clippers and short clippers and rakes and electric hedge trimmers strewn all about and a big gash hacked out of the middle of our hedge. Cross that project off the list.
I saw in the paper that Women’s World Cup Soccer is starting this week and I don’t think I can manage a sports event right now. I can barely find the time to keep up with the 2 or 3 hours of shows per week I have that are on right now. And I’ve had a netflix (Children of Men) sitting next to the TV for a week now. Maybe I’ll catch up after the group play.
This is a busy week. Tomorrow is yoga night. Tuesday is get together night. Wednesday is Def Leppard night. I’m predicting Thursday will be crabby, tired, just give me a bottle of wine and a piece of pizza and leave me alone night.