Yesterday I alternated between my grant writing stuff and the giant pile of weeds-soon-too-be-seeds in my backyard. I also read almost everything in my misc. reading pile which is magazines, articles and pamphlets that pile up.
Did I say I was taking a grant writing class? Tonight is class 2 and I’ve been going through the class materials and working on my practice grant. I now understand why it takes so long to write a grant. I don’t have actual data for my practice grant so I’m just working as if I did and even with making up data I barely made a dent in my statement of purpose and objectives and methodology.
Meanwhile, did you hear talk about another X-Files movie?
Don’t get me wrong. I loved X-Files. I’ve been tempted to go back and watch the first three seasons on DVD except I always have so many other shows to watch. I loved the first movie. I’m just wondering how many people like me even give a fart about X-Files these days.
I’m on my way out the door to class right now.