A Crocodile Is Not A Toy
Hey Look. A distant relative got his thumb bit off.
A circus ringmaster performing in Le Mans, France, had to carry on with the show despite having just had his thumb bitten off by a crocodile! Daniel Renz, 39, of Friedberg, Germany, was on tour with his Renz Universal Circus demonstrating to the audience of 4,000 that crocodiles are not man-eaters. As he stroked King, a 5-foot-long crocodile, the animal suddenly snapped its jaws shut, chomping down on his left thumb.
Since today was my first free day since I finished class, as I’ve been whining about, I had a lot of things I wanted to do. I decided that first I would stay in bed for a few more minutes so I could read and naturally since I was so close to the end I thought I should finish the book. Two and a half hours later, I still had some morning time so I spread the mat out in the yogatorium and put on my yoga clothes and then Bob told me he was going to Omi’s to get potato pancakes. I folded up the mat, put on jeans and went with him instead.
I arrived home sleepy with delicious pancake and thought about trying to finish my other book but instead got online and visited blogs from the contest including almost every person who left me a comment. Then I had to leave comments on their blogs. That took the better part of the afternoon.
I had about a half hour left to find the Christmas stuff in the backroom and do the D-minus job on a few chores and then it was time to go to a party.
Now I’m home from the party and I’m thinking it’s time for Battlestar Galactica. This wasn’t exactly the stuff I wanted to get done today, but it was a good day.
Photos: the first is my Auntie, Mom and Grandpa on the Orleans bridge and the second is the Orleans bridge now.