At last, a good night’s sleep last night. I feel 100% better.
The DVR gave up the ghost this week which means that I missed almost all my shows, which is fine. I like my shows but I get along fine without them. However, it’s amazing how dependent one can become on this kind of technology. I don’t even know when my shows are on or what channel. If I want some TV, I tune in to the DVR and see what’s waiting.
This afternoon after class I’m going to Comcast to swap out for a new box. I should be up and running in time for Battlestar Galactica tonight.
I’ve decided to take a 24 hour computer break this weekend. Between work and the Illustrator class, I think I ruined my neck. Or it could be this yoga pose that I did for the first time these past two weeks. Mine looks a lot more free style than this photo, which I borrowed without permission from Bill.
I’m going to do crafts tomorrow and organize my spice cupboard. See ya.