Travel Journal Probably around 1979 or 1980

(Original punctuation and spelling kept intact.)

This morning we had a late breakfast and then went on the U-bahn subway to Saint Michel. St. Michel is a church that was destroyed several times. It took about 10 years to build the Church and 10 more years to build the tower. This was in the 1800's. In 1906 the tower was destroyed by fire but it was rebuilt. During World War II, I think, the whole church was destroyed almost completely and it since has been rebuilt. Before it was destroyed the second time my dad was babtised and confirmed there and Oma and Opa were married there. We could visit it now and go up into the tower.

That night we visted Oma's sister, Norma and her son, (dad's cousin), Adolf. They spoke only german but it was a nice evening.

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