This week has been a little frazzling between the whole, you know, thing that I’m not going to write about again (I hope) but still hasn’t totally gone away and what for me has been a busy activity week. Monday I worked late because of the 2 hours at the Drs. and then went to the store to buy saltines, applesauce and bananas for the week plus pick up a prescription so I got home late; Tuesday was yoga night so I got home late; last night I met my long-lost-and-now-found-again friend Tonya for a wonderful walk and dinner so I got home late and tonight we have tickets to see Harvey Pekar and when we get home (late), Mom and Erin will have arrived.
This long wind-up is supposed to explain why I’m phoning in another entry. Death, Taxes and CSRs via Consumerist, someone has to say it:
... another form of grief that often comes about after the passing of a loved one: sorting through a lifetime’s documentation of accounts and finances, trying to get the deceased’s consumer affairs in order. Unfortunately, his father’s affairs seem to have been in a bit of a mess. But no matter how well organized a loved one’s finances are at his time of death, it’s cold comfort to go straight from the funeral to the endless sorting of papers and documentation.
We’re posting this largely to suggest to our readers that they might want to have a serious discussion with their parents about what to do in case they die.