Another busy weekend, two in a row. Mom came up on Thursday and we spent Friday running out to Bob’s Redmill Store and Powell’s Books and then came home and cooked to get ready for a family gathering. On Saturday I took her to Lillian Pitt’s Gallery and Trader Joes.
Saturday night Mom went out with Priscilla and Bob and I saw Cheese at University of Portland. It was an awesome show. I had a great time and danced my socks off and I would love to provide a more comprehsive review except I never know the names of the songs and I don’t have time to track down someone else’s review right now. I can tell you that it was a way more rockin’ show than I’ve ever heard (in my measly 5 engagements) — but they played a song called “Howard” which apparently was one of the ones I liked.
I’m working on stuff for my class this Saturday and trying not to get too distracted (ha!). For your entertainment, please check out these Weird New Zealand Dog Food Ads.