This is Summer’s grumpy face.
It funny sometimes, when an old memory comes up and you see it completely differently.
When I graduated from college I very badly wanted to work in the music business. I loved music, live music, everything about music and thought I would be really good at it.
Zillions of people want to be in the music business. In the 80s someone like me would start as an assistant.
I joined an organization called something about Women in Music and there were networking events and a job board.
I am hilariously bad at networking events and even now the thought makes my blood run cold. But I did meet my friend Heidi, who I still know, at one of these events.
I got a call from the job board about a job. At the time I was already working for a man who was an angry, sexist tyrant who liked to yell at people. That was the world I wanted to escape. The woman who told me about the job warmed me, this was an assistant job and the boss was a major jerk and hard to work for.
The job paid less than the pittance I was getting. I decided: frying pan – fire and did not puruse.
Another woman in the organization called me to follow up and was furious that I didn’t go for the job and told me I couldn’t be on the job board if I didn’t take advantage of the opportunities offered.
And I felt bad. Like a decision to preserve what was left of my sanity was a bad thing.
Nope. I made the right choice.
(I never got a job in the music business.)