The Timbers Show: End of 2023 Season

I already wrote about how we gave up our season tickets. (Part 1) and (Part 2).

Ticket partner and I went to our last match of the season in October. Because of various scheduling snafus, we hadn’t even been to a match together in over a month.

I think going in: if we won and a few other teams did us some favors we could make the playoffs. But in typical Timbers fashion, we went down a goal in the first 11 minutes and never got it together. We lost 3-1.

Also, as I read the forecast, we might get a wee drizzle. So many matches I have geared up in my plastic pants and plastic jacket and brought my little towel to wipe off my seat. And so many matches there was barely a mist. I wasn’t going to haul out that stuff for this match.

That was a mistake. It didn’t rain hard but there was a persistent driving drizzle almost the entire night.

Then for the trip home we walked down to the transit mall to check if the bus was anywhere near … and walked past at least 3 people actively doing drugs. I asked ticket partner if he felt like doing some drugs and he declined and called a ride share.

One the one hand it was a bummer that the last match was so crappy. But then, we didn’t feel like we were giving up much. I’m sure we’ll pick up tickets to a match or two. Or more likely, the Thorns, next season.

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