Worth Trying Once

I am not a breakfast person but I tried a local restaurant that is known for its breakfast and features long lines.

One of the items on the menu was called a frittwich and it was a breakfast sandwich made with an apple fritter. I described the menu item to some friends who take donuts very seriously to see what they thought.

They thought I should try it and get back to them.

I finally revisited the restaurant and gave it a try. It’s a fried egg and cheese and the server recommended adding bacon. Who is going to say no to that?

The first three bites were mesmerizing but the effect wore off fast and after half it was too sweet and weird. I worried how my digestive system was going to treat me and gave up. Overall, it was worth trying but definitely don’t need to do it again.

My digestive system hung together but exhibited some unhappy confusion over what I had done to it.

I’ll be back to posting less frequently. I hope to do more Priscilla recipe testing in the future and will post any gems I find.

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One Response to Worth Trying Once

  1. Kenneth says:

    Well, I don’t know why a person would mess up a perfectly good plate of potatoes, but that’s just me…

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