What’s in the Forest?

I have this ficus that someone gave me over 30 years ago. It currently looks peaked and like it’s given up. It’s looked bad before and I tough-loved its roots and gave it lots of fresh dirt and fertilizer. But now I’m thinking of throwing it out into the garden pile. That seems so mean. But I feel so ambivalent about this tree. Does it bring me joy? No, but I’m used to it. This is how I make decisions.

Why change something I don’t like if I’m used to it?

If I get rid of it I’ll take a picture. Maybe if it snows, so I can make sure it looks terribly sad.

Whew, made it through the month. I will be back to my weekly posts, maybe.

NaNo Wrap up:

37565 / 50000 words. 75% done!

My stated goal: 50,000 words (200 pp) is unlikely but if I aim for that I can probably reach 35,000 (140 pp) which will get me roughly half way.

I had some sort of word count every day except Thanksgiving Day when I only had a very short time for writing. Next goal is to finish the first draft by the end of the year. I think I can do it.

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