Yeah Baby!

Aren’t you glad you don’t have to warm-up for work with people watching and taking your picture? Love the goalie coach at the top of the pic.

Pre-season tournament. That’s Kalif and Kah on the right. I should have used my text and arrow making skills but huge time crunch tonight.

Opening night is March 8. (And note to Hannah and Lily for our MLS Hair Approval Committee: we need a meeting with Rauwshan [far left] stat!)

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One Response to Yeah Baby!

  1. Hannah says:

    Absolutely. That hair is a problem. Also — I think your team is going to win it all this year and my team is going to flail around and I am already sad just thinking about it. Why, oh why, did I become a sports fan? We traded away yet another one of our favorite players just yesterday. WHEN WILL IT STOP?

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