
Melissa Clark had this recipe on her website this week. It’s so pretty I had to try it. I didn’t do the braiding that she shows. I made two long strips and twisted them together. Mine looks good, too, although as usual I was doing too many things at once and it probably got a tad browner than it needed to. Tastes fantastic.

Don’t have time for the post I planned so instead I offer a conversation I had with my husband last week:

Him: Guess what? I got Henrietta Q. Wigglebottom to speak at my class!

Me: I don’t know who that is.

Him: You don’t know who that is? She’s the preeminent discoverer and inventor of some sort of random computery stuff that is completely amazing. How can you live with me and not know who that is?

Me: I don’t really listen to you.

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2 Responses to Challah

  1. Kira says:

    I love you guys.

  2. Lincoln Log says:

    Love bread. Love honesty.


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