Football Superstars

These photos are still from Thursday. It was pretty when the sun came out. The snow is about half gone now. The weather service says we might get more tonight and I will keeps my thoughts on that to myself this time.

Several weeks ago I found a reality TV show about soccer players trying out for a spot on a professional soccer team.

I don’t have a lot of patience for reality TV but I wanted to check out the show to see if would help me with a writing project. What I wanted to see was how the guys interact with each other.

Turns out its completely worthless for that. I think it’s a weakness of the show but I got sucked into it anyway.

Its an Australian show which I didn’t know until I started watching it. The players are young, I think the oldest is 19. They are so funny. Half of them are total smartasses and the other half are completely earnest and hardworking. We started with 15 and we’re down to 5. Guess which ones are left?

It is a very padded one hour. They do a lot of stupid challenges (drawing a topless model {can you imagine trying to do that on a US show?}, pole dancing, cheerleading) but they do intense training stuff and play tough games. A couple of them won a trip to meet Tim Cahill who is a really amazing Australian soccer player. When they were waiting they were really nervous and one of them said, “This is worse than waiting for a date.”

Now I’m stuck with it because I want to see who wins. I like all the last five but I have a couple of favorites.

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2 Responses to Football Superstars

  1. Marvin says:

    Ooo pretty! (the pix lol)

  2. AEJ says:

    Did they show the artwork?

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