Party at MKWC. I called my Mom from Grants Pass and said I was on the way. She said there was a falafel feed and I said, I know, I read it on Facebook. The first person I saw when I went into the building said, “Are you Erin’s sister?” Then he was embarrassed like, “what was I thinking?” And I laughed and said, “Yes, I’m Erin’s sister.” Then I ran into Nancy and she said, “I knew you were coming, I read it on Facebook.”
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I normally don’t comment on current events but WTF? Farrah and Michael Jackson? And while we were at happy hour the apparent hoax about Jeff Goldblum came in.
What the hell? I haven’t been an MJ fan for years but Off the Wall was a huge part of my life during high school. (Go Chargers gymnastics team!) I gotta download that puppy from itunes.