Bob just came upstairs where I was stirring our dinner: creamy peanut chicken stew. The recipe jumped out at me as a Bob-ultimate. When he saw me cutting something out of the food section he unenthusiastically asked what it was and when I told him he lit up like a 5 year old on xmas morning.
Just now, when he came upstairs he said with great energy: Honey, I can’t understand how anyone can’t like the Grateful Dead.
I made a loud sigh and said: How long have you got?
This morning I read in the paper that Harry Potter was going to be in high def. at Cinetopia and I’m no crazed fan but I thought it would be fun so I ran over there and well, first of all, I was already very impatient. Everybody has to drive 20 miles below the speed limit or 20 miles above the speed limit. No one can drive a speed that I like and it made me a little cranky. So I pull up and there are about 10 cars in the parking lot plus a fire engine out front and I’m thinking: COOL. But then I get to the window and there is a small crowd of people, all older than me, and the huge electronic sign that says what’s what is dead and then I hear “sold out” together with “Harry Potter” and I’m like WTF? Did each car in the lot carry 15 people?
I’d already done enough driving around for the day so I said screw it and went home. I don’t know what the fire engine thing was all about. And if a showing of Pride and Prejudice was playing anytime in the vicinity, I would have gone so Cinetopia, get that sign working.
But while I’m on the topic of Harry Potter, I just want to say, FINALLY someone has said it.
I'm going to be the first one brave enough to step forward and admit it: Daniel Radcliffe, i.e. Harry Potter, is growing up to be a stone cold hottie.
Of course, someone is not old enough to be HP’s mother and I should probably be arrested. She has one of those countdown-to-legal-age clocks but I’m too lazy to figure out how to put one on my site. I mean, why would I do that? I’m just reporting what she said.
I had three items I wanted to update you on. HP was one. Sony is another:
I’m not tech-savvy enough to explain this worth a damn but if you buy CDs as in music, from Sony and put them on your computer you need to educate yourself on the following: Part I and Part II. My best explanation is that the Sony discs install some sort of evilware on your computer. This is a super bad idea on many levels and hopefully they will get in big trouble.
The third thing I can’t remember and Bob is upstairs wanting to tell me something and looking for food so I’m done for now.