I have so many notes here of things I want to add, but I’m not quite there yet. Also, still to come: photos and narrative on the train journey.
Here’s a tidbit for now:
We rec’d an item in the mail this week that our waranty on our KitchenAid mixer was about done and do we want to extend it. I set it aside to examine more closely although, don’t they tell you to buy the KitchenAid mixer because it lasts about 30 years?
It comes with an addressed “no postage necessary” envelope and while I was gathering together a weeks worth of stuff that I’d “set aside” I noticed that the envelope was for “Priests for Life” in Staten Island, NY. There’s even a boldfaced notice with three (3) exclamation points informing me that my stamp will help PLF save more Moms and their babies.
I can’t tell you how long I looked back and forth at the KitchenAid form and the envelope — trying to figure out why the Priests are running the warranty program. Finally Bob comes up and says: the direct mail company screwed up. That’s the wrong envelope.