#1 – I just checked my gmail account — which I never use for anything other than a typepad blog I was playing around with for about 3 weeks and then pulled the plug on. I had 18 spam. Where could they possibly come from? Those 3 weeks? Geez. Also I have a few gmail invites if you want one. What a genius approach to make something available only by invite so it seems so special and then flooding the market with invites.
#2 – I went to yoga last night which means I was downtown on Fat Tuesday which means there were lots of people and even more police everywhere you looked. The thing is, all the masses of people I saw were young — barely drinking age, if that. They looked like high schoolers. And they hung out in packs and pretty much every guy was wearing dark knit hat. Is this some kind of uniform?
#3 – Bob and I watched Some Kind of Monster this weekend which is the documentary about Metallica. This film is unbelievably riveting. True, I am a fan of the band. (I own Ride the Lightning on vinyl.) I can’t believe they filmed some of this stuff. It’s an intense look at these super successful people trying to hold it together and it’s fascinating. And, not too much music for the metal non-lovers although I’ve had Seek & Destroy stuck in my head all week.