Good gollz miss mollz — what a funkz browser. It sazs Internet Explorer but it doesn’t look like the Exploder I’m used to. El crapo. This is going to take forever because of the goofz German kezboard and the fact that I’m enjozing a refreshing adult beverage — in the handz tankard size. For those of You new to the German kezboard — thez swapped a bunch of kezs around — most significantlz the z and the y — please figure it out on your own as I am too lazy to fix them all.
Okay — we are here in Garmisch Partenkirchen (all the symbol kezs are moved around — that’s the last URL I’m typing.) It is now Xmas Daz around 16 o’clock the computer says which is about 4pm. Bob, Flori and the kids left around noon for some skiing. Lisa and I went on a hike through the Partnachklamm Gorge and Luis hung out with his Grossmütter and watched a movie about Flipper. We’ve returned and Lisa is starting our xmas feast and I’m taking about 5 hours to type this message and the others are still skiing. Bob hasn’t skied in about 12 years and I’ve cruelly rejected the idea as I said if I had to nurse him through a broken leg it would be the end of our marriage. But yesterdaz he went sledding and said he had to ski while he was here. I guess mentioning that it is a white xmas would be redundant at this point.
Let me back up — we left Portland Mon afternoon around 5pm — actuallz we were delazed because the flight crew was stuck in traffic. We flew direct Portland – Frankfurt which rocked 9 planets and a half. We arrived in Frankfurt to temperatures about 30 degrees below what we left. A light snow had fallen in Frankfurt and everzthing looked prettz. We had a 3 hour lazover in Frankfurt in what had to be the most boring terminal on the planet. Nothing. A guy on a flight from Detroit said that someone on his flight had been robbed of $5000 and he was suspected and arrested in Frankfurt and he missed his flight to Kiev. They found the real thief and let him go and then said hard cheese he missed his flight– it wasn’t their fault so he had to buy a new ticket to Munich and then on to Kiev. And he wasn’t even burnt about the monez he was just so tired.
Frankfurt to Munich is like Portland to Seattle. We dozed and arrived in Munich at about 5pm. Lisa and Sophie met us at the airport and took us to the main train station to stow our bags and then we were off to Marienplatz and the Kristkindlmarkt. According to the travel book only the Christmas Market in Nürnberg is more famous. This is a big market place with tons of food and goodies like knitted sweaters and zillions of xmas ornaments and decorations. All I could think about was food as I had onlz eaten airport food for about 24 hours. Lisa had to be the buzzkiller and remind us about mad cow disease so we ordered some pork sausages which were fantabulous. When Lisa took Sophie to order some pomme frites — we ordered another wurst and mad cow disease: here we come! I should mention that it was about zero degrees at this point and REI silk underwear which is perfect for Portland chilly 40 ° F days isn’t crap for Munich 0°. Also I had non-wool socks on and my feet felt like ice bricks.
I’ve just gone in the house to refresh mz tankard and the skiers are home. Thez inform me that mz husband’s legs remain intact and that he was a natural and that he’s rented his skiis for 5 days. Hmmmm, sounds like the side trips are out.