Take All You Need

Check it out! Tribally branded condoms.

Auntie had a bunch on her kitchen table last time I visited.

“They have a big bowl of them at the clinic. Take all you need.”

Well, technically I don’t *need* any. But I took one because I thought they were funny.

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One Response to Take All You Need

  1. Darren Freire says:

    Mmmm Interesting !!!

    A few bad jokes or puns come to mind but I’ll be good.

    For those of us Old Enough to remember the TV show F Troop, I was too young to get the one running gag of: Captain Wilton Parmenter would ride into the Hakawi camp and say “How” and a beautiful young girl would run out and claim “Me Know How, Me Know How” and she was told to get back in the Teepee. Later in life I realized that she was say or telling.

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