Rash Report

How do people take photos of their own arm with one hand? It took me awhile to get this and when I finally got a photo I got about 15.

I know this looks terrible but actually it’s a lot better. I have a little bit of sensation in a few spots but I’m operating as usual.

What seems like a great idea in June when there’s a coupon deal and is a giant stupid chore in October?


I vaguely remembered that I had ordered them but half hoped that maybe they wouldn’t be delivered or that I hadn’t ordered that many.


On Sunday I got home from my soccer match at about 4pm and threw on my yard clothes and ran out and worked like a maniac as the sun slowly went down and Bob held up dinner. When I went back in the house he said, “All finished?”

I said, “NO! That was only two little bags.”

But the rewards will come in spring.

While I’m here, would you like an update on the neighbors?

In August they woke us up almost every day for two weeks including a Wednesday morning at 3am. I called the neighbor and the leasing agent. Two days later they were out in front of our house carrying on at 4:30am.

That was the end of me trying to be reasonable about it.

I called the neighborhood police officer and I went to the property records and wrote a letter to the address listed for that house. I have been told that the owners live abroad and that address is a local family member.

Police officer talked to them and said they were apologetic and receptive. At this point I’m thinking they are used to trouble and know what to say but don’t really care. We have been instructed to phone 911 when there is a noise complaint which I have done once — dying of embarrassment to call emergency and complain about people yelling. The leasing agent said they talked to the tenant again about the noise. I also rallied the neighbor on the other side.

It’s been mostly better — I guess they told their friends not to park in front of our house and they move inside more quickly. Now we don’t have the windows open so that helps.

I saw the tenant out there mowing the lawn and felt bad — she has who knows how many people crashing over there. Why is she doing the lawn?

Then a loud motorcycle pulled up last night and people were talking in front at 1:30am. (And I did not call it in. That’s the drag because I have to get out of bed and get on the phone and describe what’s going on. It has to get pretty bad for me to be motivated to do that.)

I rescind my feeling bad.

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3 Responses to Rash Report

  1. Darren Freire says:

    If you recall years ago I have a problem with a neighbor? He had a ham radio with a huge antenna and when he would morse code or talk via microphone his code tapping “dot dot dash dash dot” or his voice “CQ182F9er” would come out my TV and stereo speakers. In Wichita they had a Community Officer mediate after my initial 911 call. Also just about 2 weeks ago I had 8 or 10 loud talking and laughing persons out near our cars and walking about our parking lot. 911 transferred me to the Non-Emergency line and they helped. You have to have a non-emergency too?

  2. Darren Freire says:

    Looking on Google I found these bits of info for noise complaints

    Non-Emergency Number:
    (360) 693-3111

    Neighborhood Police Officer West Precinct (360) 487-7359

    Non-Emergency Report Line (360) 487-7397

    West Precinct (360) 487-7355

    As I said this is what Google finds for your area. I could be wrong?
    I’m in So Cal ya know so did my best

  3. Darren Freire says:

    Google finds this for your area

    Non-Emergency Report Line (360) 487-7397

    West Precinct (360) 487-7355

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