Back Sliding

When I was in CA this little guy was hanging out on Aunt Janet’s back porch in the middle of the day, fearlessly digging up little snack nuggets and having a great time.

The crud cough has been downgraded into a plain old nagging cough. I can sleep through the night and I started exercising again although I get interrupted by a fit every few minutes.

I successfully secured a single value-pack of Fisherman’s Friend at the market — the only one they had. I figured out I can cut the lozenges in half since even just a little bit will keep me from coughing.

I’ve been back sliding on non-essential Internet. Nothing terrible but I have marred my perfect record. Mar — that’s a word, right? It looks funny. Like I typo’d married. But why would I marry my record of non-essential Internet? I cheated when I was trying to draft something difficult for work and thought it would be fun to peek at some nonsense. It’s good to understand your weaknesses.

I’ve been hearing a frog out in the yard all week. It’s hard not to want to poke around out there and find it. But I don’t want it to go away. Don’t they croak when they’re looking for a partner? I hope there’s another frog hopping around that wants to get it on.

Writing is plodding along, steadily forward but never as fast as I would like. I backtracked a bit this weekend because the chronology felt off and I swapped the order of some things — I tend to doubt myself when I make changes like this and stare at the screen fretting for prolonged periods.

I think the fretting is finished. I wish I had more hours today because I am really into it but I have some other stuff to take care of.

Next weekend I am going to California to reunite with my college gang, several of whom I haven’t seen in eons. I’ve been trying to remember the last time and going through old photos. It’s frightening how the time passes. Here we are in Vegas in 2000. I know there was a wedding in the last ten years and I saw some of them in SoCal in 2012. Should be fun.

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