Last Post of the Year

These are from my Atlanta trip at the beginning of the month.

I can’t remember the last time I was flying cross country and sitting in a window seat and it was daytime and it was clear.

It was glorious. It was an ass-crack of dawn flight and we were flying into the sunrise. It was so beautiful flying over the mountains. And being able to look out of the texture of the landscape. It was magical.

When we deboarded the Captain was standing there and without context I told him: THAT WAS AMAZING!

This picture doesn’t capture it. I had some reason I took this and I don’t remember what it was — something familiar?

(Aside: also during this trip I saw 2 planes passing by what seemed like really, really close for having the whole giant sky available.)

I do remember this. All across the country there were big spreads of these huge white buildings. This is nearing the Atlanta airport. The land of fulfillment centers.

When I was going through security I needed 2 bins but my hands were full and I was juggling electronic devices and a coat and I broke my rule about only taking 1 pair of shoes because we were going to a party and I wanted to look pretty. So I had big shoes.

(Also aside: but the set up was stupid because it was like an assembly line — to the person at the front of the line got to fit their bins in. Then that person left, a new person went, and that person filled their bin and pushed it into the line. Those of us further down were at the mercy of some slow person who left some open space for our bins.)

I threw my laptop in the lower conveyor and thought it would be fine while I got the other stuff settled and of course security is made of people who can’t stop telling you that you’re doing something wrong. Then he starts bugging me about my laptop and I go to grab it but it’s moved down the conveyor belt line.

And the next person in line is some sort of Bhuddist nun. Everyone is completely deferential. Good costume for travel.

I grabbed my laptop bin. Made Mr. Nitpicky happy. Waltzed through and was able to return home.

This is the imp, Arky, crawling on his favorite dog, Clover. Arky is an adorable monster.

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