The Sad Squash Situation

If you recall, earlier I posted about how squash bugs ruin everything.

This is my entire squash crop.


I don’t even know where those white ones came from. Are they just ornamental? I don’t know. I’m going to try to eat them at some point and I will let you know.

I’m going to try to cook the pumpkin for my Thanksgiving pie. I still have pumpkin in the freezer so all isn’t lost but this is a sad year for squash grown in my own garden.

I can’t believe I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner next week. I used to fret about it and do a planning calendar.

This year is the same as last year. I’m making a super basic dinner and Bob and I will bring plates over and eat with Dad. We just got a turkey breast. I’ll make mashed potatoes, stuffing, rolls, and pumpkin pie. We’ll eat something green on Friday.

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