Backyard Update

Sharp eyes will count all five of the raccoon family traipsing through the yard the other night. In the foreground you can see the motion activated sprinkler not doing anything. I think it’s because the sprinkler is pointed up a little bit to catch the deer.

This morning we went out for an early walk since it’s supposed to get hot this afternoon.

As we were coming home I spotted one big raccoon and three little ones dashing across the street. The mama waited on the curb and gave us the stink eye.

Pretty soon one more little one scampered across the street. Mama gave us a few more seconds and then went after the kits.

This was the house 2 down from ours. We started walking again and watched one of them climb a tree while the rest ran through a gap in the fence. Then the last one climbed to the ground and went through the gap.

Has to be the same family.

I do this every single time I change the batteries in the trail cam. I set the clock wrong. I ran the camera all day instead of night.

We have some very active blue jays. Not just around our yard but you can hear them screeching around the whole neighborhood. There are at least 5 around our yard, swooping back and forth from the front to the back and next door to our house. I watched one land next to 6 doves eating seeds under the bird feeders and stomp its feet once or twice and the doves flew away.

I love all the birds.

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