Well Crap.
I didn’t even get around to doing my best day ever first home opener as an MLS team post and at this point, I have to leave the house in 15 minutes so I can go to another game. I’m already behind.
And I even have notes here so I wouldn’t forget all the details.
Here is a quickie version and I’m posting without proofreading. Living on the edge.
There’s the park. I don’t know how long the game has been sold out, the line to go in started at Noon, gates opened for Timbers Army 107 minutes before the game. They have general admission in their sections. Gates open 90 minutes before game time for everyone else.
Parking is not encouraged anywhere near the field. I think the street rate is $3.50 but I heard the limit was 90 minutes. We left the car at the office parking. It’s less than a mile to walk to the stadium.
All the VIPs on the field congratulating each other on getting MLS to Portland and the media crush capturing the moment.
I missed the photo but the cotton candy guy stopped at the end of our row and took some pictures before he went back to selling.
My team with the sacrificial children.
Timbers Army sings the national anthem. Clip if you want to watch. It’s actually pretty cool. They had fireworks during the national anthem. I’m sure it’s regulation but they brought out a fire extinguisher which was hilarious considering there was steady never-ending rain shower all day and all during the game.
Our seats are 90% protected. There was a little drip when the wind shifted. Once again, grateful for plastic pants! Plus the walk to and from the stadium. My feet were cold but otherwise I was comfortable.
The team takes the field. You can tell how rainy it is in this shot.
We won. Counting the goal that was called back and the own goal we scored 6 times! But only 4 counted for this game. Our first win in MLS.
I had been building up this event in my head for so long and how spectacular it was going to be. It got to the point where I was thinking nothing on earth is going live up to my expectations.
I was wrong. It was awesome. I loved every minute of it. Our seats are fantastic and we sit right behind the players bench so I could watch the coach and how he interacts with the players and the little dramas on the field.
Great day and I now have to put on my game clothes and I get to do it again.
But that dumb picture will never die.
Did they REALLY put the picture up during the game??? Eeee. You’re famous!! Also, this is officially the best Murphy’s Law/physics of the mysterious universe story ever.
Actually, that great picture will live forever!
Nice fakery of the pic on the jumbotron. I’m guessing PhotoShop would let you rotate the pic to match the edges of the screen but I wouldn’t know how.
I can’t believe you sat there in the rain. Sporting events are miserable in the rain. I nearly froze to death during a rainy-sleety-snowy Broncos game in Denver. I swore I would never do that again. Ugh. But I’m glad YOU like it. 😉
lol You must must accept that the picture is fantastic and you should get some t-shirts made with it.