Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 03:51:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: Pamela Rentz
Subject: Pam and Bob's Travel Tips

I'm at the center of a revolution

1. No matter how competent and with-it your travel agent seems, do your homework on train stations. You will be booked to arrive or depart from the least convenient one every time.

2. If someone comes running up to you at the train station wearing a laminated badge that says "tourist information" and he offers to help you -- run, don't walk. NO matter how helpless and bewildered you feel. He is not your friend.

3. Always look like you know what you're doing. If you're desperate, follow other people who look like they know what they're doing. Exercise caution, if they are also faking it, this strategy can backfire.

4. Always bring your city map when you leave your hotel room. Even if you are just going to dinner on the same street as your hotel. You will see throngs of people who look like they're going off to have fun and you will be tempted to follow and you will get completely lost and maybe even panic a little bit and you and your travel companion will start yelling at each other because that's always a good thing to do when lost in a foreign city.

5. If you are completely lost, walking faster will not save you.

Who's Idea was the Powder Blue?


Prague, Thursday 8/24 12:40pm

Thank the maker a "normal" keyboard.

RE: getting lost, I just kept asking nice guys in the tobacco stands until we eventually stumbled back to our hotel. The travel guide suggests using caution before getting a cab in this town.

Thanks to all sending notes -- I might answer a few today, otherwise, wait until I get home. Also tx for fax HG.

Just to give you a picture of how far we've come in a week. In Berlin the first 24 hours Bob and I would hardly stand 6 feet apart from each other outside the hotel room for fear of getting lost. Now Bob's gone off to some museum and left me here at the Internet Music Bar and we're not meeting again until 4pm at the hotel.

Some sort of scenic thing

Prague's okay. No way to convey the humongous volume of tourists here. I feel sorry for people who have spent their entire life in this city. This influx of people has got to depress them. Lots of fun tho. Lots to look at. Decent food but I could use more chickens and less pigs. Even the chicken dishes are served with pig. Insanely cheap when they aren't gouging you for being a tourist. I had grilled salmon and vegetables the other night for $3.

Shopping this afternoon and packing up and tomorrow train to Vienna.



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Background from This page was made on September 30, 2000. Featured artist: Def Leppard. Featured beverage: Henry Weinhard's Private Reserve. All photos are courtesy of Robert L. Hughes of Vancouver Washington. My computer is a much loved lime iMac named Yoda. My software is BBEdit 5.0 which I am barely competent at using.