This morning Bob and I got up at the crack of dawn to catch the Expo Max downtown for the Nike Run Hit Wonder. Don't I look fetching first thing in the morning?

I saw Akka walking by at the restrooms (or should I say massive lines for the porta-potties?) and started yelling, "Akka! Akka!" and then remembered that hasn't been her name for. 100 years ago back in the eighties Akka, Cheryl and I ran Bay to Breakers in San Francisco.

Bob turns over phony data for a corporate "drawing" in order to score a free bandana that I guess he was supposed to wear on his head but which later came in handy when he needed to blow his nose.

Race start.

Elvis on stilts with large corporate beverage.

General Public!

Jul 31 Pre-Story | Aug 1 Post-Story | photos p 1 | photos p 2

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My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 3100
Background courtesy of Eos Development Posted: 1 Aug 04